Friday, July 10, 2009


I had a thought today. All (though I am by no means a relgious person so I could indeed have my facts wrong) but to say all of the religious documents written about Hell paint it as a horrible place where you are tortured for eternity for everything that you have done wrong in your life. is kind of a biased view. The people writing about how bad Hell is are the people who worship God and want to end up in Heaven. Sooo...what if Hell isn't all that bad? What if it is actually better then Heaven? I dunno. Just a morning thought that I haven't actually put any thought into. Prolly a good idea for a story though. "Paradise Found: In Which I Die and Have Great Time Living With Satan."

In other news, I'm getting married tomorrow (Holy Shit!) It's just a small thing on the beach with a notary. Only Wil's kids will be there. I knew no one from out of town could come but I'm really pissed that my friends IN town (all 2 of them...wooo) can't come due to prior plans (including needing time to do their hair and makeup before going to something that takes place an hour AFTER the ceremony.) Ugh. Oh well. In a year or so Wil and I will have a REAL ceremony with friends and family and a reception and perhaps even a honeymoon.

Anyway, I have alot to do today. I have to clean the Rat Den (Sam stayed in it all night and didn't escape!) and find a dress to wear tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you! I'm sending a card soon and tell me you want me to sing at the ceremony when you have it. I will sing ANYTHING. FOR FREE. I love you! So happy!!!!
