Sunday, July 5, 2009

Free Time.

The problem with growing up and graduating from college (or high school if you decided not to continue your education) is that you gain way to much free time. Of course, free time is what I used to long for when I was younger. I hated going to school. I hated waking up early, spending all day trudging the hallways to class. I hated going home and having a ton of homework to do before I was allowed to finally have some time for myself. College was slightly different. I had more free time because I didn't have parents telling me what to do, however I did have more homework. Of course, I procrastinated, squeezing in as much relaxation and as many computer games as I could before doing any of it. So here, as an adult, you would think I'd be ecstatic that I work (now a whole lot less then 40 hours a week) and can leave my job exactly where it is, in the office. However...I don't know what to do with all this extra free time!

Now that my job has been cut back to 3 days week (it's complete bullshit if you ask me) I find myself not quite all that excited that I have 4 days a week to do whatever I want. I find myself less then motivated to do anything other then sit on the couch and watch hulu or play The Sims 3. I was working out for a while but I gave up my gym membership to get netflix and down here in sweaty ass Daytona it is to hot to go walking outside. I think maybe, with all the procrastination I used in college, I missed the vital years of figuring out who I was and what it was I really liked doing. I keep making excuses that I don't have the right materials to pursue activities that I would enjoy such as sewing (no room, no dressform, no place to put anything) or writing (my creativity has been completely sapped since I stopped working in the theatre and now sit day after day in a Dr.'s office.) To many excuses and not enough thought on what it is I want to do with myself.

1 comment:

  1. I hear this! Abs and I were just talking about this the other day (seriously, yesterday). We've figured out that you have to sometimes go back to the beginning- when we were kids, you know? Did I ever want to be an opera singer? NO. I wanted to be on Broadway and do voice acting for Disney and write stories. So that's what I'm going to do now. LOL. We'll make it happen!!!
